Monday, September 16, 2024
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MSc. Material Science (Specialization in Energy Science)

(UGC Approved)

B.Sc. or B.S. in Chemistry/ Physics/Material Science/Nanoscience and Nanotechnology/Polymer Chemistry and Renewable Energy.
MSc. Chemistry (Specialization in Energy Science)

(UGC Approved)

B.Sc. in Chemistry from Mahatma Gandhi University or equivalent from other Universities.
MSc. Physics (Specialization in Energy Science)

(UGC Approved)

B.Sc. in Physics from Mahatma Gandhi University or equivalent from other Universities.

Program Highlights

  • Flexible syllabus with carefully curated core courses with up-to-date content that give a comprehensive and in-depth introduction to the exciting frontiers of Energy Science related with traditional subjects in Physics and Chemistry.
  • Electives can be taken from a approved list of courses giving the program a strong interdisciplinary character.
  • Three credit Internship/Mini project as core courses integrated into the curriculum that can be taken either to as an Industrial Training or as stand-alone introductions to Energy research.
  • Unique flexibility in choosing the duration of the MSc project ranging from one semester to a year and selecting based on the interest and focus of each student.
  • Prospect to receive foreign university fellowship for excellent students to pursue main project in the final semester.

MSc. Material Science (Specialization in Energy Science)

Programme Description

New materials underpin development and progress across a wide variety of sectors. New technologies, from planes to batteries, from hip implants to electronic devices, are made possible, and often limited by, the materials we currently know and use. Materials Scientists and Engineers work hard to understand how and why materials behave the way they do, and exploit this knowledge to develop new materials with amazing properties.

Studying Materials Science (Specialization in Energy Science), you will develop a fundamental understanding of how the properties of a material, such as strength, electronic properties and biocompatibility, are affected by the material’s structure, such as its crystal structure or microstructure and used to formulate strategies to develop new energy materials

This programme will equip you with the skills required to join a wide variety of industries in the capacity of materials specialist, or continue your education at a PhD level.

MSc. Chemistry (Specialization in Energy Science)

The programme M.Sc. Chemistry (Specialization in Energy Science) is a highly specialized multidisciplinary course in applied Chemistry. The course will focus on the science and technology related to various energy sectors giving emphasis to the energy science and technology. The course has immense job potential in industries and research organizations working on battery, fuel cell and power generation (hydroelectric, thermal, geothermal, tidal, wind, biofuel and nuclear) in India and abroad. The syllabus of the said program is envisaged to ensure eligibility and equivalency for the new course with that of existing M.Sc. Chemistry program of Mahatma Gandhi University by matching 70 percentage of the syllabus of the new course with that of the M.Sc. Chemistry and the rest 30% on advanced topics in Energy Science.

MSc. Physics (Specialization in Energy Science)

MSc Physics (Specialization in Energy Science) aims to provide systematic knowledge of the subject to the graduates of Physics with specification in modern and job-oriented areas. The syllabus is developed keeping in mind that students should be enabled with problems solving skills by an approach that describes physical phenomena with relevant mathematical models and formulae and thereby equip them to clear national level competitive examinations. This course also provides students with a broad knowledge and experience of both the science and application of conventional and sustainable energy technologies. Determining how energy is utilised and the environmental consequences of its use can determine many government policies across the globe. Therefore, those interested in pursuing a career in the energy sector require a deep understanding of the scientific and engineering theory and challenges relevant to the area.

Career Opportunities 

Graduates of the MSc (Physics/Chemistry/Material Science) in Energy Science have knowledge and skills directly applicable to a host of energy orientated industries, including, power generation and distribution, electronics, automotive, aviation, construction and oil & gas. For graduates interested in academic research, the societal pursuit of clean and secure energy is at the heart of the research agenda of every major country.